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Words of Inspiration. Extracts from The Urantia Book

Every time Pradhana Fuchs listened to the audio recording of “The Words of Christ” produced by Pato Banton, he made a promise to himself. He would one day provide the same service in Spanish.

When the Second Miler Grant Program issued a call for applications, Pradhana decided to go for it.

Inspired by his many years of reading The Life and Teachings of Jesus in The Urantia Book, he used the grant money to produce not one but two audio recordings, in Spanish and Portuguese. 

Palabras de Inspircion. Extractos del libro de Urantia and Palavras de Inspiracao. Excertos do Livro de Urantia can both be heard on The Urantia Book Fellowship’s YouTube channel. 

The narrator reproduces sermons, teachings and episodes from the life of Jesus. The audio was professionally recorded with ambient music created specially for the project. Each selected text has a different track as its background. 

Pradhana has spent the last 25 years working to spread the revelation. He has taken books to countries across the world. This project was a new way of promoting spiritual transformation by spreading the revelation, the mission of the Fellowship.

Overlaid by relaxing music, you can listen to the incomparable messages of Jesus even on the most mundane of occasions, such as driving home from work or simply resting after a full day. 

As you let the words wash over you, spiritual inspiration – with the potential of transformation – is never far away.

The Urantia Book Fellowship would like to thank supporters of the Second Miler Grant Program for making possible Pradhana’s project and all the others the program has funded since 2020.

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