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Urantia Book Fellowship Regional Societies

Regional Urantia Societies are the component organizations of The Urantia Book Fellowship. They are completely autonomous and consist of readers interested in fostering the spread of The Urantia Book in their particular geographic regions and provide opportunities for socialization and study for Urantia Book students in their area. We encourage you to contact one of these Urantia Societies if you are interested in getting involved locally. If there is not a Urantia Society near you, you can always join us nationally as a Member at Large.

For Jesus Birthday celebration photos and stories from 2022, click here.

Jesus' Birthday Celebrations 2022

Heart of America Jesus' Birthday 2022

Heart of America’s Jesus Birthday Party

by Duane Johnson

Everyone attending Heart of America Society’s (HAS) Jesus Birthday Party in Independence, Missouri, on August 21, 2022, seemed to have a good time. It had been two or more years since many of those attending had a chance to visit with each other, except by Zoom. We ate a beautiful and delicious birthday cake provided by Margaret Slater-Thompson. (Duane Johnson had eaten several pieces before anyone had a chance to take a picture of it.) HAS Secretary, Gina Joyce, provided coffee, tea, and water. 

Via Zoom, we listened to a report on the conference from Barbara Newsom. HAS Vice President, Bill Graham, entertained us with guitar music. Margaret played a video of Rick Lyon’s and Gary Tonge’s version of “Starry, Starry Night,” then played a recording of Rick Lyon’s Urantia-related lyrics to Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah.”

We also played bingo before dividing into two teams to play a Urantia Book trivia game. Both teams agreed that the opposing team was given the easier questions.

Seventeen attended. Shown in the first photo are (top, from left) Bob Teresso, Betty Teresso, Michael Perrie, Joy Perrie, Bill Graham, David Hughes, Sue McNutt, Kathy Hughes, (bottom, from left) Jake Thompson, Margaret Slater-Thompson, Hailey Joyce, Pat Heinerickson, and Gina Joyce.

Not Shown: Duane Johnson, Terry Boschert, Angi Byer, and Eric Byer.

Afterward, seven of us went to a nearby Applebee’s for dinner and to visit some more.

Greater New York Society Jesus' Birthday 2022

In Central Park

Golden Gate Society Jesus' Birthday 2022

4 photo(s) Updated on: 2022-09-20

Golden Gate Circle Birthday Celebration to Honor Jesus

by Stephen Zendt

When serendipity and synchronicity work hand-in-hand, some delightful and amazing things can come to pass. On August 20, 2022, just such an event took place in a lovely home in Walnut Creek, California, sponsored by the Golden Gate Circle Society.

We were the fortunate guests of a most unusual family from the Philippines whose mother is a member of our Bay Area Zoom study group. Alice Fong lives most of the time in the Philippines, but comes once a year to our area. She has a family of talented, bright young people, living in a large household overlooking Mount Diablo, CA.

It just happened synchronistically that Alice was here during Jesus’ birthday this year. When we were forced to cancel our plans once more, for our first in-person gathering since the pandemic took over our lives, it was generous Alice who rose to the occasion and invited us to celebrate at her home. What a sweet surprise! Only later did we learn that August 20 is also Alice Fong’s birthday. Alice has introduced The Urantia Book to her children and studied it with them.

The serendipity comes into play when you add together the interactions of our society officers, Dave Gonzalez and others; plus Sara Blackstock and Lee Smith, who pulled together the plans for the event. The day was planned as a potluck luncheon, an afternoon study session, and a remembrance. It was followed by a birthday cake with white frosting and three concentric circles of blueberries, made by Treasurer Claudia Ayers.

There were sixteen of us, including the Fong family members. The buffet table was full of good food, including lumpia and other delights. President Dave and Program Coordinator Lee Smith traveled north from Soquel and San Jose.

Members of our local study group were there. And from up in Northern California came Clayton and Karen Roberts.

Thanks to all who managed to join us for a lovely time together. Hopefully we will gather together in-person, soon again.

Karen Roberts brought a small harp with her, which she played for us. Then we were delighted by Alice’s son Andrio who played the piano, including an old Christmas song. Andrio is a student at Saint Mary’s University.

Lee Smith put together a fine, sincere study of the seven salvations that Jesus brought to Urantia, from Paper 101, section 6. This was an in-depth look at Jesus’ gifts. We passed the reading around the living room so everyone could participate.

What a treat to be together in a group of believers again, after so many months of Zoom meetings in separate quarters.

We then shared broken bread and grape juice, or wine in a simple remembrance supper. Then came the cake.

Thanks so much to Alice Fong and family for making the celebration possible. Thanks also to everyone who brought things to eat and drink, and who shared their personalities with the rest of us, so we could know the blessings of community and friendship with Christ Michael, our Jesus of Nazareth.

Rocky Mountain Spiritual Fellowship Jesus' Birthday 2022

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