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Give with Confidence

The Urantia Book Fellowship has been fostering a diverse, inclusive, and spiritually-rich community of Urantia Book readers for over 65 years. We have earned a Candid (formally GuideStar) "Platinum" seal - the highest possible rating - for our sound fiscal management and commitment to mission-focused programs.  

If you have an existing account on our website, your logged-in profile will pre-fill the form below with your information.

Note that you can select a donation focus below.

Our website payment system uses US currency. For those who live outside of the US and don't want our system to convert your donation to US currency or if you would just prefer to use PayPal click here.

Alternatively, checks can be mailed to our office at 1580 Grand Point Way #34743, Reno, NV 89533

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Please enter your primary phone number with area code and country code if not USA
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If you are not in the US or Canada, enter your State or Territory here, if applicable.
If you don't have a US/Canada zip code, enter 00000.
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Donation Preference Information
Before you select your donation focus below, click the link above to read more about the ways you can express a preference for your donation.
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