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Joint Florida Conference on Service and Ministry

  • 2020-02-14
  • 2020-02-16
  • Dayspring Episcopal Conference Center Parrish, Florida

Service and Ministry 

sponsored by

The Agondontor Boot Camp of Florida and the Urantia Association Florida

Make this a part of your winter vacation to the Sunshine State!

What does it mean to serve? What does it mean to minister? How do we find ways to be of service? How do we uplift service to the higher level of ministry?

We will explore different ways people serve and minister with an emphasis on it being practical. You are invited to participate in sharing your personal experience and aspirations. You will come away encouraged with knowing ways to serve and minister that you are comfortable with. How encouraging! Share and bring a friend.

Also, Sunday morning there will be an immersion experience by Paul and Jorgey Kruppa, "Living the Teachings."

Registration is $50. To register and weekend accommodations at Dayspring, please see the registration information at

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