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Jesus Birthday Gathering

The Agondonter Book Camp Society is hosting a
celebration of Jesus birthday.

Sunday, August 21, 2022 11:30-4 PM

The home of Jack Miller and Connie Andrews

Boynton Beach, FL

It is an occasion for readers, old and new, to enjoy one another’s company.

It’s been a long while since many of us have seen one another in person. We hope you can make it if you are in the area.

Contact Richard Rosen for more information and directions.

February 2020 conference

The Many Ways to Minister

Exploring methods of service and ministry and how to make them part of our lives

The Agondonter Boot Camp Society of Florida and the Urantia Association Florida are jointly sponsoring a conference on Service and Ministry.

What does it mean to serve? What does it mean to minister? How do we find ways to be of service? How do we uplift service to the higher level of ministry?

We will explore different ways people serve and minister with an emphasis on it being practical. You are invited to participate in sharing your personal experience and aspirations. You will come away encouraged with knowing ways to serve and minister that you are comfortable with. How encouraging!

Also, Sunday morning there will be an immersion experience by Paul and Jorgey Krupa, Living the Teachings.

Here is what one conference participant had to say: 

The conference was extremely valuable, time well spent.  The structure of the three days was meticulously planned and carried out. The five minute attunement sessions between presentations was invaluable! The content of the presentations flowed together seamlessly, obviously orchestrated with celestial assistance, as the presenters had not met previously. The fellowship throughout the weekend was morontial in quality. The take away was one of encouragement that we are moving in the right direction; we all are united in our spiritual goals. Words cannot express the appreciation I have for this amazing weekend.

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