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Emilio Coppola Remembrances

  • 2020-03-05 5:19 PM
    Message # 8799844
    Cristina (Administrator)

    For me, Emilio just embodied brotherly love.   He was one of the most outstanding living examples of a friend- brother that I have ever known.  For the rest of my life I am going to look to the warm embrace of my friend when we meet again. Phil Taylor


    It is with great sorrow that I share the news that our brother Emilio Coppola passed away this evening... 

    Please join me in a moment of reflection to celebrate in our hearts the beauty and goodness that he has contributed to our lives and to our community and join me in holding up in prayer his family and loved ones in this season of tragedy.

    In sadness, Geoff Theiss


    Loving friends and Urantia Community,

    I am stunned as I pass along the news to you all that our Brother Emilio Coppola has moved on to the Mansion Worlds.  I don't know a lot; only that Karen told me he had been under much stress, and went in yesterday for an 8-hour heart surgery.  He died of an aortic aneurysm. 

    Let us support his family in prayer and loving thoughts. 

    Jorgey & Paul Krupa


    Sending this on to you, to let our fellowship know.  So very, very sad. Such a wonderful and full of life friend <3 

    I will miss him.  Love always, always love

    Karen Larsen


    Dear Friends,  He will be greatly missed. Mark & Kathy George-Moore


    Emilio was in his prime, this is very sad to hear. Many prayers and love sent to his family. He will be missed.


    Oh my God I just met him this year as I moved to Virginia Beach. This is sad.  I’ll need to visit his family. Phil


    Words can’t really express how I feel today.

    For the last decade I had an exceptional friendship with Emilio. He was everything a friend and brother could and should be. He exemplified it. Every ounce of him he put into it. 

    We shared all aspects of our lives, work, thought, aspiration, 

    family and home, not just the Urantia Book and community, he and I. 

    I’m stunned. I’m also not shocked the universe would want him out there. However, I will grieve for one of, if not the best friend I’ve ever had on this planet.

    Love always my strong and faithful brother. It has been an honour to share the path with you, there’s no one I’d rather walk it with, and I’ll be so happy to see you again.

    Charlie Fox


    • Obituary

    Last modified: 2020-03-05 5:44 PM | Cristina (Administrator)
  • 2020-04-08 8:54 PM
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  • 2021-05-05 11:58 AM
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