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Ed Owen Remembrances

  • 2020-11-23 3:53 PM
    Message # 9383059
    Cristina (Administrator)

    Ed began his journey across the universes and the cosmos yesterday. He was ready to leave this earthly plane on his eternal adventure. He had 86 good years on this planet full of an amazing variety of friendships and experiences - he had so many wonderful stories to tell. He held his friends close and was able to say goodbye to many. He loved to tell people “I am a son of God and you are my brother/sister.”

    Please post your Ed stories, remembrances and anecdotes here so we can all enjoy the legacy this man left behind. Thank you.

    Donna Hengen: He was warm, caring and offered unconditional love. We shared many points of view and was always ready for a thoughtful discussion. I will so miss my wonderful uncle.

    James Woodward: A treasured friend and colleague. See ya later Ed.

    Saskia Raevouri: We will all sure miss Ed and wish him well on the next phase of his universe journey!

    Mark Kurtz: Yes, Ed did say I’m his brother. He was a true believer. I’m pleased and honored to be a friend to him. Following him later!!!  Thank you Susan for allowing us this privilege.

    Scott Brooks: In a world where "specialized skill does not signify possession of spiritual capacity," Ed had that rare blessing of possessing both in abundance. And even though "Ability is that which you inherit, while skill is what you acquire," Ed's natural abilities clearly shown through--with polish. And while "Cleverness is not a substitute for true character," Ed had great character and a clever wit. He is one amazing mortal--one who I look forward to working with in the future on God knows what.

    Mahtab Tehrani: Ed was deeply interested in his fellow men. He was a kind and gentle soul. It was my privilege to have known him. He will be dearly missed.

    Frieda Frendentia: Such a sweet soul, blessings on your journey Ed. Condolences to you Susan.

    Nancy Moser: Heart felt condolences to you, Susan. I am one who only met Ed online.

    Elizabeth Dellinger: I will always remember him as a kind and wonderful person. Love ya Ed.

    Daniel Foster: We enjoyed a Local UAI camping weekend surveying the heavens, presenting plenaries, dining home cooked chemical free meals. Ed didn't brandish his accomplishments. He had true compassion. He was interested in knowing us what troubles us, we aspire, what we enjoy. He sat individually with the most troubled and ability deficient among us (I one of them) imparting his wisdom, patience, and kindness. Before departing Ed personally instructed me on all the fine details and aspects to swinging a golf club. Not anyone else has taken any time to do that with me full explanations included. When Ed posted his first painting on FB that drew a tear of beauty. I arrived back home with appreciation to be more like Ed and always will.

    I love you Ed. Enjoy morontia! I hope to see you after I begin ascending.

    John Heard: It was my pleasure to have known Ed. I will miss his whit and friendship.

    Rich Fickler: Fast Eddie, as I called him had an amazing energy & vigor for life. I was privileged to meet Ed when I was 21 & he was twice my age. We had some amazing battles on the basketball court while living in Tahoe, always finished by a dive in the Lake. We also had many amazing hiking adventures, topped by climbing Mount Tom, where Ed saved my life by yelling ROCK as I hid and watched a huge boulder fly overhead. My Brother Ed will always have a great place in my heart and I look forward to seeing him again someday up in the Cosmos. He spoke to me of the happy dance we’ll share when we do reunite. Love you Brother Ed.

    Dave DePula: Love you Ed, enjoy your journey

    Ron Hernderson: I am so very sad. I've known Ed for almost 40 years. Always a person with a great heart and always helping others. Godspeed my friend.

    Clement Heurtin: Even though we were born 65 years away from each other, you have been an amazing friend as well as an incredible « brother » like you always said.  I hope that you like your new adventure. See you Ed, I love you.

    Julian McGarry: I didn’t know Ed personally but I know his dear wife Susan. Susan may you experience profound comfort at this time of Ed’s transition knowing he has gone to a better place and that you will be with him again ‘soon’. Sending love and prayers!

    Bernie Belarski: I know after talking with Ed that his faith is so strong that it is likely that they will need him straight away in the Mansion worlds. He’ll be there to greet me when I awaken and begin the Universe adventure! He was so easy to love and I feel sad today that he has gone to sleep. Susan, you were his everything as a mortal and now, just a little while we shall all rejoice in our reunion. I’ll be praying for you.

    Istvan Hargitai: Susan, please accept my condolences.

    2 files
    Last modified: 2020-11-23 4:07 PM | Cristina (Administrator)

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