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Second Miler Grant Program -
Alice Wood

From Alice:
As with all of my Urantia Life Lessons videos, this series will focus on inspiring people to live spiritual truths. I intentionally use content that talks about Urantia Book teachings (and the book itself) in a way that is assimilable by a wider audience than just the dedicated readership.

The seven prayer-related topics that this series will cover are:

  1. Developing a habit
  2. Thankfulness
  3. God (praying to someone)
  4. Healing (what does it look like?)
  5. You’re in good hands
  6. Practice
  7. Heaven / Paradise

These videos will mention The Urantia Book alongside their focus on positive life practices and mindsets. The videos can be incorporated into study group discussions and provide a place for people to learn about Urantia teachings when they do not feel inclined to pick up the book itself.

This project was submitted by Alice Wood and has the goal of allowing her to create a series of videos that are a dialogue between her father (also a Urantia Book reader) and herself talking about life, death, faith, and prayer. Her goal with this video series is to create a well-rounded perspective of what it is like to live with Urantia teachings.


August, 2023: The seven videos, with an average length of six minutes each, have registered several hundred views so far and have been used for discussion in at least one spiritual growth group. 

March 14, 2022: The Urantia Life Lessons series is complete. The seven videos in the series will be released weekly beginning in March 2022 and can be viewed any time thereafter on her YouTube channel.

June 8, 2021: From Alice: I was able to film the interview with my dad. The interview is filmed and I've done the rough cuts for the first segment. It's looking really good. The sound is good, the light is good, it's looking pretty much just as I'd hoped. I'm going to wait until all of the segments are complete before I start publishing them on my channel. I'm hoping to start publishing in the fall.

March 19, 2021: Alice has purchased the equipment and is waiting for her dad to get his second vaccination before filming the video. She is familiarizing herself with it by filming other projects starting with the Urantia Life Lesson posted for Easter, 2021. 

The Urantia Book Fellowship would like to thank supporters of the Second Miler Grant Program for helping make possible this project and all the others the program has funded since 2020.

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