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Bob Lawson Remembrances

  • 2020-07-05 7:41 AM
    Message # 9079325
    Cristina (Administrator)

    Bob Lawson Memorial

    A long time Urantia Book reader and a very dear friend, Robert Lawson graduated a few minutes ago. He was a key and instrumental person in helping me to do the Farsi translation of The Urania Book. Bob will surely be missed. Bob’s understanding of the Urantia Book’s key concepts and narratives was superb. Every single time when I was stuck in understanding a phrase, sentence, or concept, I would call Bob, and he would easily explain it to me. Now, what am I going to do without Bob? I still have 47 papers left to finish the Farsi translation.

    Hamid R Mazdeh
    Farsi translator of The Urantia Book


    Oh my, Robert has departed this life.  Immense thanks for letting us know Hamid. As you so aptly stated,  Robert was a true gentleman and scholar.  And I will add that he was/is one of the most stunning singers I have ever heard!  I searched for a video of him singing but could not locate one.  He possessed a most gentle heart in a huge soul.  This is one of those times I would love for our community to live closer together. 

    Dearest Robert,

    I so look forward to looking you up in the registry when I arrive in the resurrection halls in order to catch up AND hear your melodious voice once again.  Until then, enjoy your ongoing voyage...


    (Former Member, The General Council)


    Dear Hamid, Ann and all,

    Rob Lawson was indeed a wonderful person and a fabulous singer! When we lived in Los Angeles we got together with Rob a few times and sang for hours on end! He loved such inspirational classics as "How Great Thou Art," which is probably what we were singing in this shot, taken at a Fellowship General Council event in LA sometime in the early 2000s. 

     L-R: Bobbie Dreier, Rob Lawson, Victoria Clark, Chick Montgomery, and me. Rob, Victoria and Chick have all left us now.  

    And here is Rob's How I Found the Urantia Book story -- so glad I collected these when people were still with us!

    In 1987 I was at a birthday party for the one-year-old son of a client of my best friend. During the course of the afternoon, I struck up a conversation with a young couple I had never met before, who were sitting across from me at the table. After I mentioned that I had recently attended the Whole Life Expo in Pasadena, the conversation turned to spiritual matters, all of us realizing that we were on some sort of spiritual quest. They suggested I read the Urantia Book.

    I couldn’t grasp the word “Urantia” at first, even after they pronounced it several times. When they spelled it for me I wrote it down. They weren’t able to tell me very much about the book, but they did impress upon me that they thought the book was truly unique and of biblical stature. They said it was available at a popular New Age bookstore close to where I lived. The following week I stopped in. I felt a strong connection to the few passages I read, and bought both it and the Concordex on the spot.

    I have never seen that couple again nor do I know who they were, but I shall be ever grateful for that “chance” meeting.




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